
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

::Wednesday:: Quote of the Day

I loved this when I saw it because it captures the ambiance of one of my life mantras.  There have been so many times in my life where I have felt the waves of trials continuously coming and pounding me beneath their tumultuous surface. But the funny thing about it is that by the end I became a strong enough swimmer to break through, get my breath and regain my footing.  

With the results of the election yesterday I feel like everyone is forecasting such gloom and doom.  I understand the implications and weight of the outcome, however I am choosing to not focus on it negatively.  I am planning to continue living my life as fully as possible, regardless of the direction the nation is going.  I believe that our home can be a true safe-haven for our family and that through trials we become stronger, better people.  I am leaving this one in the Lord's hands and trusting that He will guide our family through any potential storms.  I have such faith that He will always reach down and pull me up out of the waves if the under-toe becomes too strong.

The next four years could change our country significantly in political and economical aspects.  But we cannot always see the destination that is planned for us.  I know that ultimately regardless of how we get there that my Heavenly Father loves me and this country and He is watching us become stronger and more self-reliant, even if it requires some hardships along the way.  We were put here on this earth in this time and this place because He knew that we were best suited for these trials.  My life has changed so much in the past four years.  I could have never imagined my own present as it is now, but I could not be happier.  I have the same hope and faith that in another four years, regardless of our nation's policies, practices and politicians I will be a better rounded, more fulfilled individual and Daughter of God.

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