
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

He Got Down on One Knee

Ok, so I thought I'd do a little bit of catching up, although everyone already pretty much knows this stuff it's good to get it written down. For posterity's sake, right?

Obviously a lot has happened in the past months. Michael and I got married and I am now Mrs. Sarah Nelson. I am absolutely head over heels in love with my handsome, amazing, supportive husband. He makes me laugh and love life every day. Basically, I love my Michael like a fat kid loves cake :)

Here's the beginning of our story....

Our Engagement

Michael and I had known we wanted to get married for quite a while, and I knew he had the ring...but it seemed like I had to wait FOREVER for it to happen. Ok, maybe not forever....but that's how I remember every day feeling :) Then on March 8, it was Michael's birthday. I had a whole scha-bang planned out. I surprised him at work with balloons and his favorite ice cream from the Creamery, Raspberry Cream Cheese. Then I went to his apartment and decorated it with streamers and Happy Birthday banners. That night we went to Texas Roadhouse (steak is his favorite) and had a scrumdidlyuptious meal. Then I gave him some headphones and new shoes he was wanting. After all that we went back to his place and had a party with friends and Cold Stone ice cream cake. I thought I'd done a pretty good job...

After all the chaos Michael took me back to my place and we decided to take Toby on a walk because he'd been pent up inside all day and night. We walked over to the duck pond near my apartment and sat down to talk. I asked Michael if he had a good birthday and if he'd gotten everything he wanted. And he said "no"!! I remember thinking he was such an ingrate...what else could I have possibly done besides hire a plane to write "Happy Birthday Michael" in the air over Provo?? He said there was one more thing he was wanting, and that he needed me to answer a question..then he got down on one knee and said "I'd be honored to have you as my wife. Will you marry me?" Suddenly it all made sense...and apparently he had the ring out for quite some time before I even noticed it. I was too excited and barraged him with kisses.

We were engaged for 3 months and married on June 10th. More info on the wedding and some lovely pictures to come. Until then, enjoy this typographical interpretation of mine and Michael's story that I made for our wedding website!