
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Protein

A coworker left our company about 8 months ago to start a health company, and boy oh boy am I so very grateful he did. Okay that sounds mean...I'm not happy that he's gone. I'm just happy that he is creating such yummy goodness to share with the world. And more specifically my freezer here at work, because they spoil us with a break room stocked to the nines.

The Good2Go bars are my new obsession. They have 18 grams of protein in one bar plus omega 3. And did I mention they have no trans fats and no preservatives PLUS they are naturally flavored? Need I say more?

If you want to buy some of the yummies for your home visit their website here.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ground Your Home

This month's visiting teaching message was on being a "Guardian of the Hearth". It was about the mother's role as nurturer and protector of her family. As women and members of our Heavenly Father's family we have a responsibility to strengthen our families and turn to the gospel for guidance and direction. If you'd like to read the article you can find it here.

And here is the handout that I made to go with the message...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

::Wednesday:: Quote of the Day

A worthy goal indeed. I recently had a friend {Sara Bailey} tell me:

"Sarah, you are always so classy."

Mission accomplished. Now I just need to work on the fabulous part...

Sunday, February 19, 2012


In just a few months my Toby-boy will be three years old. Holy cow. Where did the time go? Thanks for being my companion through the craziness of the last few years. You have endured many road trips and doggy dances choreographed by yours truly. I know I am slightly biased, but I really do think that I have the best dog. Period. Here are some wonderful things that I love about Toby and make him irreplaceable and lovingly quirky.

1) You carry around a big red bone that is the length of your torso.
2) You always lick my tears when I cry.
3) You are amazingly obedient (this is a learned attribute and would not have made the list a year ago)
4) You have a such a love for organized play time. I have never seen a dog so excitedly and willingly want to sit, stay, lay, crawl, roll over, play dead, walk on his hind legs, balance a toy on his nose and then take it on command.
5) When I talk to you it's like you understand me. If I say, Toby you are a little wet from your bath please stay on your towel, you run to your towel and dry off.
6) You give me kisses on command.

Thanks for being your loveable self Toby. And here's to many more years of adventure together.

{Toby and I on the day I got him. A 3 month old furry jelly bean of love}

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Remember when you were really young and Valentine's Day meant getting to make one of those really cool shoe box card holders? It meant tissue paper and glitter and little boxes of really hard heart shaped candies. It meant getting to take a good portion of your school day to hand out little Looney Toon fill-in-the-name valentines and eat cupcakes with a huge mound of pink frosting on top.

Remember when you were in middle school and all of the sudden you hated Valentine's Day because it meant knowing for good that the person you were crushing on did not feel the same way? It meant getting your class interrupted by the flower delivery kid from student council and watching one of the three girls in middle school who were actually cute get her 5th flower while you suppressed the pain of receiving none by eating a cherry cordial from the little heart shaped thing of chocolates that your mom gave you.

Okay...maybe that was just me. However, I know I am not alone as a woman in having mixed feelings about Valentine's Day. But now that I have my forever boyfriend I can finally get back to loving Valentine's Day. I even had the very strong urge to make a shoe box card holder for my desk at work but resisted because I knew that all the "real adults" at my work have probably stopped frequenting the holiday section at the grocery store.

So to get my cheesy Valentine's Day fix I decided to make a book for Michael. Why I always overwhelm myself with these crazy projects I have no idea, but I did actually accomplish what I set out to do. It was printed, bound and ready to give on the 13th! I might have been sleep talking to Michael and accidentally spilled the beans about what my gift was before I gave it to him, but hey...I guess you can't always have your cake and eat it too.

I am so grateful for my hubby. Thanks for making me breakfast in the mornings. Thanks for loving me for who I am. Thanks for always making sure my feet are covered with the blanket while we snuggle and watch movies...even if it means yours aren't. Thanks for all the forehead kisses and the extra five minutes of cuddle time after your alarm goes off. Thanks for watching Grey's Anatomy with me even though I know you couldn't care less about McDreamy. Thanks for being my quirky best friend.

And without further ado....My Love Book.....

Friday, February 3, 2012

Verveine Anyone?

About a month ago one of my dear friends Amy aka: Ames and I were having a conversation. It went like this:

Me: We need a new TV show to watch.

Ames: You should watch The Vampire Diaries!! I am addicted to it! ::laughter::

Me: Vampire Diaries? ::said with disgust:: What is that about?

Ames: Vampires....

Me: I don't know....(remembering how I secretly read all of the Twilight books in 4 weeks)

Fast forward a week. Michael and I are browsing our Netflix selections and find none other than The Vampire Diaries. We decide to throw the show a bone and at least watch one episode. My deduction after that episode. So stupid!! But weirdly, I want to watch the next one...and then it happened. We became addicted to The Vampire Diaries.

I knew my addiction was a real thing when we passed the blood bank on Bulldog and my first thought was "a vampire could so easily break into that place!"

We have watched the first two seasons in only a month and are in severe depression because Hulu Plus only has the last 3 episodes of the 3rd season. Help anyone?

So here's to you Vampire Diaries. A show of cheesiness and teenage lust and a weirdly addicting unknown ingredient we will call my lack of must be compelling me to watch you.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

::Wednesday:: Quote of the Day

Thank you to My Michael for always encouraging me to be the bizarre individual I am.